PatrolBehaviour — патрулирование

Эффект патрулирования объекта по заданной траектории, хорошо подойдёт так же для перемещающихся платформ или врагов.

Настройки в инспекторе:

Пример настройки в окне редактора:


Результат работы:


код скрипта:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class PatrolBehaviour : MonoBehaviour 

    public enum eMode
  [Header("Shift-добавить точку \tCtrl-удалить точку\n")]
    /// <summary>
    /// List of all path nodes
    /// </summary>
    public List<Vector2> Path = new List<Vector2>();a

    /// <summary>
    /// Wrap mode for platform movement
    /// </summary>
    public eMode WrapMode; 

    /// <summary>
    /// Time to way in a node before moving to the next one
    /// </summary>
    public float WaitingTime = 1f;

    /// <summary>
    /// Time to go from a path node to the next one
    /// </summary>
    public float MovingTime = 1f;
    /// <summary>
    /// Base position of all path nodes
    /// </summary>
    public Vector3 BasePos;

    private float m_curMovTime;
    private float m_waitingTime;
    private int m_pathIdx = 0;
    private bool m_pingPongForward = true;
    private Vector3 m_prevPos;

    void Reset()
        Path.Add( );
        Path.Add( );

    void Start()
        BasePos = transform.position;
        m_pathIdx = Path.Count - 1;

    void FixedUpdate()
        if( Path != null && Path.Count > 0 )
            if (m_waitingTime > 0f)
                m_waitingTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                m_pathIdx = (Path.Count + m_pathIdx) % Path.Count;
                if (m_curMovTime == 0f)
                    m_prevPos = transform.position;
                m_curMovTime += Time.deltaTime;
                Vector3 vTarget = (Vector3)Path[m_pathIdx] + BasePos;
                vTarget.z = transform.position.z;
                if (m_curMovTime < MovingTime)
                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(m_prevPos, vTarget, m_curMovTime / MovingTime);
                    // Position reached
                    transform.position = vTarget;

                    if (WrapMode == eMode.Loop)
                        m_curMovTime = 0f;
                        m_waitingTime = WaitingTime;
                    else if (WrapMode == eMode.PingPong)
                        m_curMovTime = 0f;
                        m_waitingTime = WaitingTime;
                        m_pingPongForward = m_pingPongForward? m_pathIdx != 0 : m_pathIdx == (Path.Count - 1);
                        if (m_pingPongForward)